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Archive for September 2010
Sep 20, 2010

“Watch As I Show You Exactly How I Exposed A Simple AFFILIATE Site That Made up to $278,604 OVERNIGHT!”

After searching for alternative sources of traffic for purchasers of my previous WSO - I was shocked to see an affiliate site ranking #1 for a huge keyword, right on the night of a huge event.

I've never considered myself a "guru" like some internet marketers like to call themselves, but I knew if I kept researching then I'd be able to find out exactly what it was that allowed that site to rank in that position that day. After doing an absolute ton of further research and testing - I've now uncovered a strategy to get on the first page of Google for any keyword for a short period of time.

Whilst it's only for a short period of time - the formula can be used over and over again and the beauty of this is, your site is not at risk at all. This is nothing to do with link spamming or using unethical methods, it's also nothing to do with YouTube results, but I can guarantee after studying my course you will know how easy it is to get your site on that first page and maybe in to the #1 position like the affiliate site I uncovered did.

The Internet's Fastest, Easiest And Laziest 'Plug-And-Play' System For Making Immediate Money Online...


"The Turnkey Money Machine That Prints Non-Stop Profits For You Automatically, The Lazy Way!"

Once You Turn On This Plug-And-Play In-A-Box Money System, It Can't Stop Sending You Cash... Even If You Want It To!

Now that I have your attention, I'm going to smack you upside the head with an automatic, plug-and-play profit system even a monkey could use. That paycheck you just saw from one of my accounts for one two-week period. ONE account (I have multiple accounts collecting cash right this minute).

It's a heck of a lot more than most online marketers put in as they beat their heads against the wall for a measly $100 or $200 a month. And with a fraction of the effort. Literally minutes per day, on days I choose to work at all. The rest of the time, the system runs on complete autopilot, and just dumps money into my accounts without me having to lift a finger.

PROOF: US$549,784.82 In Autopilot Profits!

If you're new to online marketing and you're looking for how to get started FAST, this is it. If you've been around a while and you're dissatisfied with your results, this is a way to start seeing the reward you've wanted for so long.

Keep reading...

Imagine Seeing Cash Tomorrow

I'm going to give you a true plug-and-play, in-a-box system literally anybody—no matter what your skill level—can understand and use to generate positive cash flow in hours to days.

This is as close to an honest "set it and forget it" system you'll ever find.

All you have to do is plug in some traffic, and watch the money roll in like a tsunami. And I'm going to give you killer strategies for getting more traffic than Manhattan at rush hour, mostly at zero cost. Some online gurus will tell you it takes time to build an online business. But I'm here to tell you it does NOT take much time to see cash.

Lots of cash. So much cash you might think it's illegal. Trust me, it's not.

And that's spendable cash in your bank account. You can use your cash to buy that expensive sports car you've had your eye on, upgrade to a new house, take that dream trip you've been putting off until you "made it" online...whatever you want!

You don't need any of the stuff that takes a long time to set up...

» You don't need to spend time creating a technically beautiful website (you don't need a site at all).
» You don't need to hunt for a winning product to sell.
» You don't need to spend big bucks on great sales copy.
» You don't need employees, or inventory, or any of the things that make a "business" a pain in the neck.
» You don't even need a single idea of your own.

I'm going to take care of all that, and then some. The hard work is done!

It might take you an hour or two to read and digest this system (if you take your sweet time about it). All you have to do is exactly what I tell you to do.

Plug this "no-brainer" system in, flip the switch and collect the money. Yes, it IS that easy.

When it comes to keyword tools I just can’t seem to have enough!

Unfortunately, every time I get a new keyword tool I’ll use it for a short while until the next latest and greatest method of keyword extraction comes along. I do have a few favorites but I’ve fallen in love once again.

Jonathan Leger has come up with a new creation called Keyword Snatcher. Although it’s still in beta, Keyword Snatcher won’t be available until June 21 and for only a short time…5 days to be exact, because it will be taken off the market on June 25th.

It’s fast and you can quickly build huge keyword lists. You’ll be able to pull keywords from Google, Yahoo and Bing. You’ll discover keywords that the Google Keyword Tool will not show you!

Your new keyword phrases will create a whole new source of traffic for your website or blog.

Rather than me try to explain, take a look at this new way of digging up new keywords and some great long tail keywords….these are actual keywords typed in the search box by other users of Google Yahoo and Bing….now you can easily grab these suggestions en masses with Keyword Sniper.

So grab a copy of Keyword Snatcher Today!!!

Sep 19, 2010

If You're Struggling To Make A Full Time Income Online... This Will Be The Most Important Website You EVER Visit!

Rouge Blogger Reveals For The First Time.. A $100m Loophole And How A New System Generated $27,352 In It's First 30 Days On Complete Autopilot. And Went On To Generate A Massive $221,555 Last Month!

It Doesn't Matter If You've Never Even Earned A Single Cent Online Before...

I'm So Confident Auto Blog System X Will Work For You I'll Even Bet $100 On It... If You Don't Make $1,000 In The Next 7 Days Then I'll Give You $100 Out Of My Own Pocket... You Can't Lose!

This System Generated $27,352 In It's First 30 Days!

And It Just Grows Making $221,555 Last Month!

No joking around... If you want to start making serious money online then this is the most important website you'll ever visit!

Now that's a BOLD claim I know but it's 100% true... And I can back it up.

Here's why...

Because I'm about to reveal to you a brand new system that anyone can use to change their life and start making thousands of dollars, even millions of dollars online.

» No Existing Website Or Blog Needed
» Doesn't Matter If You've Previously Made Money Online Or Not
» No Technical Knowledge Needed
» Quick Results... Make Money In 24 To 48 Hours
» No Need To Work Long Hours
» Super Low Cost To Get Started... Just Ten Bucks
» No Need To have Your Own Product

All this means you can start fully from scratch today and me making money in no time at all... I was able to generate $27,352 in just 30 days using this so there's no reason you can't do the same. Even if you did just half as good as I did you'd still be pocketing an extra $13,000 per month on complete autopilot... Plenty enough to say goodbye to the day job.

If you want to start in the next 5 minutes and be making profit by the end of the day them just click below...

Facebook Marketing Quick Start Action Guide. Find Out How To Gain Instant Exposure With Powerful Facebook Advertising Campaigns.

» Find out how you can set up a highly targeted, Facebook advertising campaign within minutes!
» Minimize costs and Maximize results with these powerful advertising strategies!
» How to use "personalization" to your advantage to dramatically increase conversion rates!
» The most important thing you need to know about CPC versus "impression based" advertising!
» How you can use profile information to create laser targeted Facebook campaigns!
» When to run your ads for maximum exposure!
» And Much, Much More!

Sep 18, 2010


First of all, I wanted to let you know that I just updated my BONUSES with another great report on keyword research that both newbies and veterans will benefit from. PLUS, I throw in a report on finding a killer niche since this seems to work well with my main report (details below).

I'm sure most of you have heard of Market Samurai. Similar to Micro Niche Finder, it helps you do keyword research, SEO analysis, find and publish content, check your rankings, etc. Everything a smart marketer needs! Well, being a veteran user of the software I'm here to tell you that it can be intimidating at first to get the hang of using it. There is just so much there that it can take weeks and months to actually get to use it all to its fullest potential.

Yes, they do have great training videos, but videos take so long to watch and that for me is just time away from working on things that make me money.

Well, I've taken my experience with Market Samurai and found some of the best tips, tricks, and strategies that I use every day now, saving me literally hours of time from when I was doing it the "long" way before. My Market Samurai Secrets report reveals some of the best strategies that I use each and every day - and now YOU can benefit from these secret tips.

Sep 16, 2010

Who Else Wants The Exact System Super Affiliates Use To Build A Fortune Without Ever Having To Create A Product!

Have you ever sat back and wondered how people really make money online? I know when I was first starting out I asked myself that same question! Like...how to some marketers take their online business to new heights and huge profits while others are still fighting to see pennies!

And you see more and more people get in this business to get out within a couple of weeks...

What Makes Them Different From The Rest Of Us?

There is not much difference between those who succeed and those who fail. There are just little things that seperate them from others...a good example is that they follow a PROVEN action plan for success.

While others wonder what to do next, or why they fumble with unsuccessful systems...The successful people are on easy street collecting checks and cashing them! Sounds harsh I know, but it's the TRUTH!

If you don’t have a blueprint that will show you every step of the way how to complete a simple tasks that could put you in the driver seat of success you are missing out on a tremendous amount of opportunities.

A step by step blueprint can show you how to easily convert landing pages, websites or blogs into cold hard cash! Once you've found a proven system, you can lock yourself in to being successful!

When I started in internet marketing I tried so many different things. I spent so many late nights wondering what marketers do to get so wealthy. Not only was my sanity gone, I also spent paycheck after paycheck trying to figure how to make a lot money. (go figure) After all that, I still...

Ended Up Empty Handed!

After it was all said and done, all I had was some debt and a bunch of failed plans. I thought to myself I have two choices:

1. Give up now before I lose everything
2. Give it one more shot and try something else

After few days of clear thinking, I decided to try something new. This time I created the type of plan that will allow me to replicate some of the TOP earners in online business.

After a few months of solid work, my troubled times turned into successful times. I was starting to see that better side of life that I always dreamed about!

Forget Everything You Know About Affiliate Marketing & Tap Into A Proven Super Affiliate System!

Now it's your turn to experience great success! Have you ever tried things that haven’t worked in your favor? I’m going to show you how a well proven system can make you boat loads of money in affiliate marketing and eliminate any doubt you may have about making money online. Your failing days are over after reading and following these steps!

Just so you won't think I'm blowing smoke! Here are 2 campaigns I launched earlier this year! Mind you, these earning where made in less than 48 hrs. Imagine if I were to do this several times a week!

If you totaled my commission for just those 2 days it would add up to $4,496.35! That's over $2,000/day! (I blocked the customer's name and product out for privacy reasons)

Here is another campaign I did just a few days after that one above!

If you add up the "profit" it column it comes up to $1,866 within a few days. I remember that would be a whole month's pay at my old job!

As you can see that was a good week for me, totaling $6,362 in about 7 days ain't bad! I don't show you all that to impress you, but to IMPRESS upon you, that I'm the real deal!

I know you’re tried of useless information, that hasn’t given you any thing except a debit on your bank statement. You’re saying you can’t afford to buy another nonsense ebook on how to be successful in affiliate marketing.

You’re ready for something that will give you an in-depth, step by step method on how to become a.... True Super Affiliate!

I understand...trust me I know where your coming from. That’s why I have created a method that has been used by me and many others, in how to be successful and get to the top ranks in internet marketing. This guide will show you the most successful way to becoming a wealthy affiliate without all the hype, and non sense. I'm sure if your like most people your looking for a way out during these uncertain times!

What your about to purchase here is a guide that will take you by the hand and walk you through every step on how to make it BIG in affiliate marketing. There is practically nothing to lose and so much to gain with this guide.

If your ready to live your dreams or simply stop struggling and become an online sensation....

Then Your In The Right Place!

I know your ready for you success because if you've made this far through the site then you are tried of the games and your ready to learn the real strategies to making money with affiliate products.

Take a quick look inside...

» How to choose the most profitable business model while getting free targeted traffic to your site within days!

» The best and most simple way to find keywords that fit your niche market perfect!

» A complete traffic system. From SEO, Blogging, anything you can think of. Learn the traffic plans that can send your bank soaring!

» How to quickly analyze products that guarantee you high profits! Giving you the inside strategies of top online marketers!

» How to keep money in your pocket by creating your own team of affiliates, while doing little work and making four times the profit!

» But That's NOT All!

Now It's Your Turn To For Success!

Discover The Industry Trade Secrets To Exploiting CPA Opportunities For Instant, Unstoppable Payouts!

I'm sure you've heard of the stories of affiliate marketers earning $500-$2,500 per DAY or more simply promoting a variety of affiliate and Cost Per Action offers.

These tales of online success and incredible wealth might sound unbelievable or perhaps too good to be true, but in reality, thousands of online marketers are cashing in on one of the easiest methods of generating a full time income online.

CPA Opportunities.

CPA, which means "Cost Per Action" where you are paid for every action a lead carries out, has been around for many years now, however only over the last couple of years has it been targeted by mainstream marketers who saw the potential being offered and jumped on board.

With Cost Per Action, you aren't required to necessarily sell anything, and instead can make money just for collecting leads including names, locations and email addresses. Having the ability to generate consistent cash without ever having to solicit a sale has attracted the attention of the large majority, who up until now, had struggled to make money in traditional affiliate programs.

Are you interested in making money even when you do NOT sell a thing?

There is no doubt that you can make money with CPA offers, in fact it's the most lucrative of all online opportunities since there are so many networks to choose from and high converting offers that you can promote to make quick cash.

That's the true beauty behind Cost Per Action, it's fast, it's simple, and anyone can easily get started with it, and that includes you!

Start Making Money Quickly & Easily, Even If You Have NEVER Been Succesful With CPA Programs Before!

It's no exaggeration when I say that anyone can easily get started with Cost Per Action. The magic behind CPA is having a trusted system that shows you exactly what you need to do to get started. It's so easy, that if you can read, and follow simple instructions, you too can be making cash with Cost Per Action!

Here are just a few of the many elements to CPA profits that are revealed:

» Introduction To Cost Per Action, getting to know the fundamentals and basics of how this all works and how you can begin profiting immediately.

» Tried and tested methods of getting accepted into any Cost Per Action network. It's going to be important to get approved and I show you a fool-proof method that will get you accepted into any network.

» Selecting the right Cost Per Action offers that truly converts. There are hundreds of offers available, and it could become overwhelming if you do not have an exact blueprint to follow for selecting the right offers. I provide you with a break down of the most profitable and high converting Cost Per Action offers.

» Creating sites that suck in CPA cash. You'll learn how you can create websites that will convert your visitors into Cost Per Action income. Just follow the methods outline and you'll rake in the cash.

» Over 50 Cost Per Action networks that are all proven to be reputable, having access to this list will allow you to get access to some of the highest paying offers within the industry. You need this list!

» Article marketing for profits, how you can take simple articles and turn them into a Cost Per Action goldmine that makes you money month after month with little to no effort involved.

» Secret technique that can be used to convert visitors to your site into buyers. This technique alone can make you thousands of dollars per month if you implement it exactly as outlined in this report..

If you've tried Cost Per Action marketing before and failed, now is the time to give it another shot. It's more than likely that you went about it the wrong way.

With this systematic plan of approach, you'll clearly see how you can start making significant money each and every month. The system outlined in CPA Profits, is not only comprehensive but fool proof ensuring that you are able to go through every step quickly and easily.. no confusion, no guesswork involved.

After trying and testing all kinds of other offers, isn't it time you tried a method that is simple to follow, but that produces the kind of results that you've dreamed of?

I know you are looking for a system that works, that is not over-complicated, and that produces exactly what is advertised with no gimmicks or misleading ploys, then you will be exceptionally pleased with the information contained within the Cost Per Action guide to generating steady payout's!

It's been thoroughly tested, and proven to work!

Eliminate Costly Mistakes And Time Consuming Tactics That Don't Work! CPA Paycheck Offers PROVEN Strategies!

I'm going to give to you straight and simple. The ones who fail at Cost Per Action marketing are those who try to do it on their own, thinking they know what it takes, and then failing miserably without even understanding why.

Instead of owning up to the fact that they should have followed a proven system instead of trying to "wing it" on their own, they instead blame the CPA networks or the concept of Cost Per Action marketing on a whole.

In fact, the problem was that they didn't follow a system that takes them by the hand and shows them exactly what is needed to be successful.

I can assure you, that through the power of Cost Per Action marketing and the techniques listed in this comprehensive blueprint, it has truly changed my way of thinking and my way of life.

And now, I'm about to pass on all of my knowledge to you in this uncensored handbook that clearly illustrates every technique that you will use to generate immediate results with CPA opportunities.

Even if you are brand new to the world of CPA opportunities, my guide will take you by the hand and explain, teach, show and reveal exactly how you too, can join the ranks of the most successful Cost Per Action marketers.

In fact, by the time you read the first few pages of CPA Profits, you'll have a clear understanding of Cost Per Action and will have begun the process of transforming yourself from a CPA newbie, into an established CPA marketer that is making serious income month after month!

That's what this course will do for you. It will take both the newbie marketer and intermediate Cost Per Action marketer and show them exactly what they need to do to start cashing in on CPA offers.

Discover The REAL Secrets To Making A Killing With CPA Programs Without Ever Paying A Dime In Start Up Costs!

Simply follow the simple instructions within the Cost Per Action Profits guide, and you will be on your way to making the kind of money that you've been hearing about or even dreaming about. You are literally just a few clicks away!

"It's Time For You To Take Action. No More Sabotaging Your Own Success"

Sep 13, 2010

Area 51 Forex is a FX trading system used in the foreign trading exchange. You can use the trading strategies for any fx currencies and under any broker software.

The strengths of Area 51 Forex is the forex trading software which will do all the trading analysis for you. It will scan the charts, analyze the movement and calculate the entry point, exit target and even monitor your trade for you.

Not to mistake it with a forex robot, you will need to execute the trade yourself.

Area 51 Forex is well-known for two most important things in forex trading. Consistent profits and Ease of use.

The generated trading signals can be used for trader accounts of all sizes. Here are some of the results achieved. It has already turned:

» Turn $250 – $487 in 3 days
» Turn $487.70 – $2011.5
» Turn $5300 – $49382
» Turn $11200 – $102.249

The timeframe used are Daily and Weekly thus you only need 10-15 minutes a day to trade.

"How To Get Higher Search Engine Rankings And More Visitors By Getting Other Experts To Write Fresh And Relevant Content On Your Blog For You Every Single Day!"

All 100% On Auto-Pilot While You Sleep! The Ultimate System For Blog Riches Finally Revealed To The Public!

Blogs & Automated Content Are Huge Cash Cows Online Right Now!

Chances are you've seen all of the blogs on the Internet and realize how huge that many of them are.

Do you have a blog?
If you do, are you keeping up with content for your blog and posting regularly?
Are you making any money from your efforts through increased traffic or sales?

If you can't answer yes to all of these questions, I know how you feel.

But the good news is that there is an answer to all of these questions and it doesn't involve a lick of writing! Interested?

Keep reading....

Dear Friend,

It's fact, blogs have taken over the Internet as the main vehicle of communication on the Internet and are a huge force in online business. All of the big companies are using them to communicate with their customers as well as small companies using them to gain customers. Blogs are a big deal and people love reading them because the content is on topic, fresh and cutting edge. If you know a few little tricks to use in your blogging, you can make a ton of cash with so little effort, it's almost laughable.

There are a lot of ways to make money with your blog but you only need to be good at one very specific one to make a fortune. While big companies are using bogs for raking in the cash, there is also something very important that has nothing to do with big companies that you need to know...

"College Kids Are Becoming Millionaires From Their College Dorm Rooms Through Nothing More Than Blogging!"

I'm sure that you've seen it...

Mention of a college kid that can't be any older than 20 years old in an article somewhere talking about the success of his blog and the millions he makes as a result... There are literally dozens and dozens of stories of young college and even high school kids making a fortune on the Internet by nothing more than blogging.

It's crazy isn't it?

This just goes to show you that blogging is the way of the future and if you get in now, you can grab your share of the profits as well. If you don't get on the blogging wagon now, you may just find yourself in a failing business wondering "What happened?".

Think about it, if a class skipping college kid can pull it off, can't you?

Sure you can! All you need is a bit of solid information to get started so that you too can start seeing tons of traffic that you can turn into profits with your own blog. But there's a big question we still haven't addressed (You're going to want to read this one!)

"What About Content Creation?"

I'm sure that this question has been floating around in your mind and it's a very big one. In fact, the answer to this question is the key to success in blogging. If you don't have content, you cannot succeed with a blog online. Fresh and constant content is what drives a blog and is the single biggest factor in creating a fortune on the Internet from your blog.

This means that you MUST provide an incredible amount of quality content on your blog to keep people interested and to keep search engines coming back for more. What makes a blog successful is content that has enough value to keep people coming back to your site, bookmaking it and sharing it with their friends.

If you can accomplish this task then you've already won the blogging game. You are probably thinking "How am I going to create tons of valuable content?" and that's a good question... You might not have any writing experience or might not be able to write very well, if this is the case, there is still hope for you and I'm going to reveal that solution in just a second...

"The One Of A Kind, Fresh Technology That Paves The Way To Content Automation & Fresh And Relevant Blog Posting For Good!" "You Won't Believe This..."

» Forget writing altogether and spend your time relaxing poolside and having fun!
» Get the highest quality niche targeted content added to your blog while you sleep!
» Completely hands free operation that you will simply love!

"Loading Your Blog With Quality Content Has Never Been This Easy!"

Through the ingenious and never before released Adsense Inbox system you will be able to make blogging a breeze almost effortlessly! No more stress about writing or any of that. Plug this system in and let it take care of all the content creation needs for your blog forever!

If you've never heard of this system, that's because it's a hidden tool and fresh technology that I specifically had created to make my own blogs content rich and full of awesome content.

"This IS NOT Another Content Subscription Club Or Article Site, This Is Something Much More Powerful Than That!"

Here's just some of the features that are included in the Adsense Inbox Software...

» Drag, Drop & Click Installation - Installing this software on your WordPress blog is as simple as dragging and dropping a folder on to your server and clicking a single button. Sound easy? That's because it is!
» Turbo Speed Setup - You can have all of your content creating woes eliminated in under 5 minutes! Wait until you see the ease of putting this thing into action! You'll be sipping margaritas in no time!
» Unlimited Content Handling - You have the options of using the system just to add a little bit of content or going all out and adding so much content that people will be blown away when they get to your blog! You can have tons of daily content added, it's all up to you!
» The Content Is ALWAYS Free - You will never be required to pay a cent for any content! This system gets your content for you for life at no cost! You don't have a monthly subscription or any outsourcers to deal with!
» Hands Free Operation - You can set this thing, forget it and never have to worry about the system breaking down or crashing on you. It runs with no interaction on your part if that's your desire!
» More Control For Those Who Need It - Want a little more control over the content that ends up on your blog? Use the simple point and click interface to moderate content, edit content and only add content that you have deemed "worthy" of making it onto your blog!
» Turbo Speed Coding - I brought in the best coder that I could find and spared no expense to make the Adsense Inbox the finest and most stable application you could ever hope for. This software runs like a well oiled machine!
» Automatic Adsense Income - Through the Adsense module you can set the Adsense Inbox to automatically display relevant ads in your content so that you make tons of cash from the visitors that end up on your site!
» Don't have an Adsense account? No problem you can choose to display any ads you choose in place of the Adsense ads.

"Adsense Inbox Can Build A Highly Niche Targeted Site, Just A Little Bit At A Time For The Appearance Of "Natural Growth!"

The way Adsense Inbox works is you locate as many highly targeted email lists, news letters, Google or Yahoo groups, etc... etc...

Then ask the newsletter owner or publisher for permission to reprint their issues on your blog. Now when you sign up to their lists and they send you email on a targeted subject it is a list you want to be on because it will bring you more traffic! Again be sure to get their permission add their issues to your blog.

Lets say for example you want to get traffic on the terms "Learn Spanish" or "How To Speak Spanish"- you would simply register a domain name targeted to your niche of learning to speak Spanish and all the content content will get added to your new online Adsense Inbox!

You can install separate copies of Ansense Inbox on as many new domains to target as many niches as you can use traffic from! This is one powerful software that you can use to build loads of content sites in any niche you want all for no more than the cost of a domain and web hosting.

Software Requirements: Adsense Inbox is a web based PHP script. You must have a domain name and a web hosting that allows Cron Jobs account to run this software script. It will also require a copy of the free WordPress blog software to be installed on your web server to properly run.

Sep 12, 2010

Do you want to make money blogging? Are you interested in taking up blogging as your career? Do you often wonder about the reasons for biggies like IBM and Microsoft getting involved in blogging and micro blogging???

The answer is very simple. Because blogging yields them great PROFITS!

And it is a huge MYTH that creating a blog requires a big investment! The secrets of easy money making through blogging have been revealed... And you can take full advantage of this complete guide on money making. This e-book on “How to make money with blogging” has the perfect recipe for converting your blog into a cash machine!


Are you one of those who:

• Spend most of their time blogging on the internet
• Want to make blogging their profession

If the answer to the above two questions is YES, then this is the best page to read on! ‘BLOGS ROCKSTAR’ can change your life forever... By simply following the strategies mentioned in this e-book, you will undoubtedly be on your way to riches. DO NOT WAIT ANY LONGER!

It is a fact that any money making methods need the right guidance and strategy, and blogging is no different. It is very easy to make a huge amount of money through blogging, provided you have your strategies and plans in place.

‘BLOG ROCKSTAR’ is undoubtedly the best source of quality information on money making through blogging. This e-book is undeniably the most reliable resource on blogging and it is easy for anyone to become rich by implementing the strategies and techniques listed in this book. You can get excellent results through this e-book as it has made it simpler by explaining the techniques in simple yet interesting manner.

This e-book has the potential to make all your dreams come true, it gives an in depth insight into the art of money making through blogging. Each and every step mentioned in this invaluable e-book takes you closer to your dream of wealth and riches! START WITH MINIMAL INVESTMENT!

Gone are the days when people used to believe that money attracts money. With the modern technology, and especially with the internet in place, it has become very easy to earn money through very little or no investment. Money making through blogging does not require huge investments from your end and hence makes it more interesting and simple. In fact, majority of the bloggers who made it big in the blogging industry started without investing any money, they achieved success only through hard-work, effort and dedication.

All you need to make it big in the world of blogging is a thorough knowledge of the strategies and guidelines which will make it easier for you to create a blog which will be a source of constant income for you. One of the reasons that you are continuing to read is that you have already made up your mind to take up blogging as your professional. You would be delighted to know that you have reached the right page as we can help you with all the information which is crucial for achieving success in the field of blogging!

Do you know that there are different types of bloggers? Have you determined on the type of blogging you are interested in? If you have any confusion in your mind regarding any of these two questions, then we can help you with some great insights on this...

“Let us help you with the best blogging strategies, which can take your money-making efforts to the next level……”

If you are interested in knowing more about the various strategies and methods mentioned above, then do not delay anymore. And if you want a foretaste of what this e-book has in store for you, then here is quick glimpse:

» The best monetizing tips!
» Tips on maximizing blog marketing profits!
» Traffic attracting tips and strategies!
» Insight into commercial blogging!

This e-book has in depth information on all the above mentioned points….. And that is the reason why you need this e-book now! Grab your free copy without any delay!

This e-book ‘Blogs Rockstar’ has everything it takes to make it big on the online scenario through blogging. It has thoroughly researched material on the topic which will not only give you in-depth knowledge about blogging, but will also help you to become rich and successful. This e-book has been immensely appreciated by the experts in this field and we are sure that it will be successful in delighting you as well. Just to make things easier for you, we decided to give an outline of the chapters in this e-book:

» Easy ways to make money with blogs!
» Make Money Like the Top Bloggers!
» How to become an Entrepreneur through blogging!
» Steps to Successful blogging!
» How blogging can help your business!
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Sep 10, 2010

The revolutionary One-Click Social Marketing & SEO Automation Software for the SEO agency and Businesses.

XGenSEO™ is the most powerful SEO and Social Marketing Software in the World. This is an essential social media SEO marketing tool to help you generate quality back links from all the major social media sites under one simple interface.

Managing all your social media sites is a very time consuming process. It involves setting up multiple social media accounts, creating multiple unique articles/blogs and then posting them to all your social media accounts. Save yourself time and money by using XGenSEO™ which will reduce the time required to run a successful social media SEO marketing campaign. Our intelligent automation engine will help save you time, money and allow you to generate plenty of quality back links that will enhance your website's search engine ranking results.

• Create Free email account fully automatically with one button click
• Create social accounts on 80+ social media sites FULLY automatically with one button click
• Create Blogs on 20+ major Blog sites FULLY automatically
• Submit Article to 20+ major article directories FULLY automatically
• Submit videos to 15+ major video sites FULLY automatically
• Create bookmarks on 15+ major bookmarking sites FULLY automatically
• Submit all URLs from blogs, articles, videos and bookmarkings to 15+ RSS aggregator sites FULLY automatically
• Get hundreds of thousands quality links from social sites in less than 30 days
• Boost your web site ranking to top 10 position on Google

Why do you need XGenSEO™?

• Increase quality back links from social media sites
• Improve search engine ranking position
• Enhance social media campaign performance
• Boost return on investment (ROI)
• Reduce production and management cost
• Save time and money

What XGenSEO™ can do for you?

Let us see what exactly XGenSEO™ does to bring you the results that we talked about.

Step 1 - XGenSEO™ will help you to automatically create hundreds of accounts on 100+ Top Social Media and web 2.0 websites - at a click of a button! This is done, with CAPTCHA resolved automatically! No manual intervention involved whatsoever……believe it or not!

Step 2 - XGenSEO™ verifies all those 100s of accounts created automatically! No opening of those 100s of emails and clicking on each one and laborious manual verification process anymore!

Step 3 - It helps you create your article or Blog posts. You can get targeted article ideas or blog post ideas using the money keywords quickly. You can then create articles and blog posts using the ideas for clients.

Step 4 - XGenSEO™’s will automatically spin your articles and blog posts into 10s of different versions! So it helps in minimising the duplicate content issues.

Step 5 - It automatically will submit tens of versions of your articles to dozens of high PR article directories! Some names include EzineArticles, Article Dashboard, Article Trader, Article Cube, Article Rich, Article Base, ArticleAlley, Amazines.

Step 6 - Then it will automatically submit different versions of your article/blog posts to all the top blog sites, Hubs & Wikis! Some names being Word Press, EasyJournal, BlogSpot, Zimbio, LiveJournal, WikiSpaces, Hubpages…

Step 7 - It will automatically post inks of your article/blogs to all major Micro Blogging & Social Networking sites such as Twitter, FriendFeed, LindedIn, and Facebook.

Step 8 - XGenSEO™ then automatically takes all the new postings and bookmarks them to major book-marking sites! Names include Delicious, Digg, Backflip, LinkAgogo, A1-webmarks, Diigo, Mixx, OYAX..

Step 9 - It then gathers all the RSS feeds from the social sites you submitted content to and submits all those feeds to RSS directories such as: Blo.gs, Feedbase.net, Feedboy, Feeds4all, Azfeeds… Automatically!

Step 10 - XGenSEO™ then automatically gathers all the links from the sites you posted content to and Pings them all using pinging sites such as: Blo.gs, Feedburner, Blogstree, Feedster!

You can run the above steps many times with a few clicks of buttons and this will explode back-links onto your business websites. This is simply traffic building on pure steroids! You would have not seen anything like this before… We did not before we created this nifty SEO Software!

XGenSEO™ Features:

Wizard Styled, easy to use, friendly interface - With wizard styled intuitive interface, XGenSEO™ makes quality link building a very easy task. A logical and setp-by-step process takes you from each step of the process. You do not have to be a seasoned SEO pro to get fantastic SEO results or targeted traffic anymore!

Automated Email Accounts Creator - Create new Yahoo email account at a click of button! No typing of CAPTA because the intelligence of XGenSEO™, it resolves it automatically! This tool helps you to create 100s of new email accounts at click of a few buttons. If you like to use your existing POP3 email accounts, they can be used too.

Automated Social Sites Account Creator - Heard of creating 100+ accounts in Top social sites in less then 20 minutes? Now you can do that with XGenSEO™! Simply select the sites you would like from 100+ options and click one button and you get that done. Yes it is as easy as that! XGenSEO™ will go to each of the social sites, it will create accounts on them. It will even resolve CAPTA on all those accounts automatically! Once all these accounts are created, it will go to your email account, open those 100s of emails and automatically verify each of the social media account from the links! No manual process involved here!

Automatic Captcha Resolve Tool - Create a new Yahoo email or Soical Media Site accounts at the click of a button! No completing of captcha field because the intelligence of XGenSEO™ resolves it automatically! This amazing tool helps you to create 100s of new accounts at the click of a few buttons. Yes, it is as easy as that!

XGenSEO™ will go to each of the Social Media Sites to create accounts and it will resolve captcha on all those accounts automatically! Once all these accounts are created, it will go to your email account, open all those 100s of emails and automatically verify each of the social media accounts from the links! No manual process involved here!

Automated Articles Submitter - At your one click of a button, this tool will automatically submit article versions to 100+ social sites! This tool automatically log you into each of the article sites, it will post your article, it will enter the Title, Keywords, Abstract of the Article as well as the Author information, will go to the next site and does exactly the same! You save massive amount of time and get hundreds of back-links to your website!

Automated Blog, Wikis & Hub Submitter - Just like the Article submitter, the Blog, Wikis and Hub Submitter acts fully automatically. Fully hands-free posting in top blog, Wiki and Hub sites such as EasyJournal, BlogSpot, WordPress, Zimbio, LiveJournal, WikiSpaces, Hubpages!

Automated Micro Blogging & Social Networking Sites submitter - Automatically submit different versions of your article/blog posts to all the top blog sites, Hubs & Wikis! Some names being Word Press, EasyJournal, BlogSpot, Zimbio, LiveJournal, WikiSpaces, Hubpages…

Automated Video Submitter - At the click of a button, this powerful tool will automatically submit your video to 100+ social video sites! This amazing tool automatically logs you into each of the social video sites, posts your video, enters the video title, keywords, abstract of the video and the author information. It will then go to the next site and repeat the process! You save massive amounts of time and get hundreds of quality back links to your website!

Automated Social Book-marker - This tool, automatically book-marks your submitted content into top-bookmarking sites such as Delicious, Digg, Backflip, LinkAgogo, A1-webmarks, Diigo, Mixx, OYAX. If you have done it manually, you will know how much time it takes!

Automated RSS Feeds Submitter - After submission of Articles this tool automatically gathers creates/gathers RSS feeds from each of the posted articles and automatically submits it to Top RSS marketing sites/directories.

Automated Power Ping - After the RSS Feeds are created, this tool automatically gathers all the links from the sites you posted content to and Pings them all using top pinging sites to ensure that back-links are created for those links to your website.

Article/Blog Creator - This tool will help you to easily create articles and blog posts. With its clean and easy interface, you can not only create articles, you can format them including bold and italics. You can also add hyperlinks to any of the text from your article. You can enter Article Title, keywords, Abstract as well as the Author information. All this information will be used automatically by XGenSEO™ ,when it submits article/blog posts to 100s of social sites at a click of a button from you.

Article/Blog Spinner - Search Engiens are getting stickier with their duplicate content rules. Not to worry with XGenSEO™! This tool will help you to create dozens and dozens of versions from your one article/blog post quickly and easily!

Power Keyword Builder - This feature allows you to quickly create or modify a keyword basket/database and so that you can use them for your article or blog post creation. Keyword Research can be one of the most time consuming and difficult parts of optimization. With XGenSEO™, all you have to do is to add in a master keyword and click the button. XGenSEO™ will generate hundreds of relevant keyword phrase for you. You can make easy selection from the list to identify your money keywords.

Competitor Analysis - The keyword builder tool is directly linked to Competition Analysis features. You can see which keywords has which Top Competitors. You can see their websites and see how they are using keywords. You can better select your keywords to create your article/blog posts, once you understand what your competitors are doing.

Article Research Tool - This tool will get you great articles from specially chosen sources, at your fingertips. All you do is enter your keywords for which you are looking for articles. This tool will get 10s of relevant articles and put them in front of you! For creating blog posts or articles, it is a real handy reference tool.

It is all about making it easier for you to create content quickly so that you can start generating tons of quality back-links for your website.

Powerful Reporting Suite - The powerful reporting suite helps you to analyse how your campaigns are going and how XGenSEO™ has helped you to promote your or your client websites. The key reports include Submission Analysis, Ranking Analysis, Traffic Analysis and Link Building Analysis.

XGenSEO™ Engine - Each time you open XGenSEO™, it automatically checks if there is an update available for XGenSEO™ engine. At the time of launch, XGenSEO™ will have 100+ social sites included.

Hundreds more will be added to the engine later on!

XGenSEO™ is the first all in one social media SEO marketing software solution available so why not download it today? FREE!

Earn Easy Money & Drive Traffic To Your Niche Website(s) With Your Own Twitter Live Streams Website... You Can Have This Brand New Turnkey Website Up & Running In 15 Minutes!

Twitter is all the rage on the internet right now. Politicians, TV anchors, actors, athletes, marketers, … really everyone is tweeting. According to the latest Compete.com statistics, Twitter has surpassed 14 million user in the USA alone!

You can easily say Twitter has had a revolutionary impact on the way we interact and do business online. You can hear people say it over and over again: "if you’re NOT a part of the Twitter REVOLUTION you're going to miss out big time." It's no secrets that Twitter-related sites attract visitors like a flower attracts bees - and a bit of a marketer jumps in on that.

Today, I'm offering you a complete turnkey Twitter live stream site, in any niche you desire!

As a smart affiliate marketer, you can cash big time on hot new search engine trends. If you are familiar with Google Trends, you know how to easily detect what the current hot topics and according keywords are.

With your very own Twitter live stream website built around this topic, you can expect to get massive traffic to it for free. When you add just the right affiliate ads to your site, this is a great way to earn passive income online!

Take a closer look at the site:

Visit our demo sites: Demo 1 | Demo 2

Such a live stream website can be used as a standalone site to promote affiliate products and build your list of Twitter followers, but it can just as well be implemented in your existing site to increase TRAGETED traffic, stats and ranking.


• Offer 3(!) live Twitter streams on one page - You can set 3 different search keywords which will each show a Twitter live stream when clicked. This allows you to specify/extend your site niche and attract more visitors.

• Easy to set up - You can completely personalize the sidebar through 1 single configuration file. NO MySQL database required.

• Integrated 'Follow Me On Twitter' link and 'Tweet Now' button - These built-in links allow you to build your list of followers and keep the buzz about your site going on Twitter. You can use your own images by simply uploading them to the images-folder.

• Use your own design - Simply upload your own header and footer to the images-folder, and change the background color to give your site a unique look.

• Multiple streams of income - Earn money from both Google Adsense & the Amazon affiliate program. You can also add text links or banner ads for any affiliate program related to your niche. A link to an Adsense compliant privacy policy is added to the footer of the site.

• Complete setup guide included - Although this site is very easy to set up, I've included a PDF document that'll show you exactly how to edit the default settings and set up the site on your server.

• Multiple domain license - You can set up this turnkey website on as many of your own domains as you want. (You can not distribute it; if you want to recommend it to your visitors, be sure to sign up for our affiliate program)


Multiple built in streams of income:

Adsense ads will earn you money every time a visitor click on it. Adsense is still considered as the most common way of site advertising and can be very profitable. (if you don't have Adsense, you can replace them with any form of advertising you want)

Amazon widgets show keyword-related products from their Amazon store and pay you per referred sale.

125x125 banners on the site, promoting keyword-related affiliate programs, powered by PayPal, Clickbank, PayDotCom or any other program. (optional) You'll earn money by referring sales.

Through the viral Twitter form on the page, you'll be growing your list of Twitter followers on autopilot. You can use your Twitter account to send out promo tweets and create an extra income stream.

Grab This Turnkey Twitter Traffic Machine Now! FREE!

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