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Twitter Live Streams Website - Adsense, Clickbank Ready!

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Earn Easy Money & Drive Traffic To Your Niche Website(s) With Your Own Twitter Live Streams Website... You Can Have This Brand New Turnkey Website Up & Running In 15 Minutes!

Twitter is all the rage on the internet right now. Politicians, TV anchors, actors, athletes, marketers, … really everyone is tweeting. According to the latest Compete.com statistics, Twitter has surpassed 14 million user in the USA alone!

You can easily say Twitter has had a revolutionary impact on the way we interact and do business online. You can hear people say it over and over again: "if you’re NOT a part of the Twitter REVOLUTION you're going to miss out big time." It's no secrets that Twitter-related sites attract visitors like a flower attracts bees - and a bit of a marketer jumps in on that.

Today, I'm offering you a complete turnkey Twitter live stream site, in any niche you desire!

As a smart affiliate marketer, you can cash big time on hot new search engine trends. If you are familiar with Google Trends, you know how to easily detect what the current hot topics and according keywords are.

With your very own Twitter live stream website built around this topic, you can expect to get massive traffic to it for free. When you add just the right affiliate ads to your site, this is a great way to earn passive income online!

Take a closer look at the site:

Visit our demo sites: Demo 1 | Demo 2

Such a live stream website can be used as a standalone site to promote affiliate products and build your list of Twitter followers, but it can just as well be implemented in your existing site to increase TRAGETED traffic, stats and ranking.


• Offer 3(!) live Twitter streams on one page - You can set 3 different search keywords which will each show a Twitter live stream when clicked. This allows you to specify/extend your site niche and attract more visitors.

• Easy to set up - You can completely personalize the sidebar through 1 single configuration file. NO MySQL database required.

• Integrated 'Follow Me On Twitter' link and 'Tweet Now' button - These built-in links allow you to build your list of followers and keep the buzz about your site going on Twitter. You can use your own images by simply uploading them to the images-folder.

• Use your own design - Simply upload your own header and footer to the images-folder, and change the background color to give your site a unique look.

• Multiple streams of income - Earn money from both Google Adsense & the Amazon affiliate program. You can also add text links or banner ads for any affiliate program related to your niche. A link to an Adsense compliant privacy policy is added to the footer of the site.

• Complete setup guide included - Although this site is very easy to set up, I've included a PDF document that'll show you exactly how to edit the default settings and set up the site on your server.

• Multiple domain license - You can set up this turnkey website on as many of your own domains as you want. (You can not distribute it; if you want to recommend it to your visitors, be sure to sign up for our affiliate program)


Multiple built in streams of income:

Adsense ads will earn you money every time a visitor click on it. Adsense is still considered as the most common way of site advertising and can be very profitable. (if you don't have Adsense, you can replace them with any form of advertising you want)

Amazon widgets show keyword-related products from their Amazon store and pay you per referred sale.

125x125 banners on the site, promoting keyword-related affiliate programs, powered by PayPal, Clickbank, PayDotCom or any other program. (optional) You'll earn money by referring sales.

Through the viral Twitter form on the page, you'll be growing your list of Twitter followers on autopilot. You can use your Twitter account to send out promo tweets and create an extra income stream.

Grab This Turnkey Twitter Traffic Machine Now! FREE!

Posted by Admin @ Sep 10, 2010 1 comment

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Hey, thanks 4 share! I like your blog! Keep updates!

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