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XGen SEO - One-Click Social Marketing & SEO Automation Software

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The revolutionary One-Click Social Marketing & SEO Automation Software for the SEO agency and Businesses.

XGenSEO™ is the most powerful SEO and Social Marketing Software in the World. This is an essential social media SEO marketing tool to help you generate quality back links from all the major social media sites under one simple interface.

Managing all your social media sites is a very time consuming process. It involves setting up multiple social media accounts, creating multiple unique articles/blogs and then posting them to all your social media accounts. Save yourself time and money by using XGenSEO™ which will reduce the time required to run a successful social media SEO marketing campaign. Our intelligent automation engine will help save you time, money and allow you to generate plenty of quality back links that will enhance your website's search engine ranking results.

• Create Free email account fully automatically with one button click
• Create social accounts on 80+ social media sites FULLY automatically with one button click
• Create Blogs on 20+ major Blog sites FULLY automatically
• Submit Article to 20+ major article directories FULLY automatically
• Submit videos to 15+ major video sites FULLY automatically
• Create bookmarks on 15+ major bookmarking sites FULLY automatically
• Submit all URLs from blogs, articles, videos and bookmarkings to 15+ RSS aggregator sites FULLY automatically
• Get hundreds of thousands quality links from social sites in less than 30 days
• Boost your web site ranking to top 10 position on Google

Why do you need XGenSEO™?

• Increase quality back links from social media sites
• Improve search engine ranking position
• Enhance social media campaign performance
• Boost return on investment (ROI)
• Reduce production and management cost
• Save time and money

What XGenSEO™ can do for you?

Let us see what exactly XGenSEO™ does to bring you the results that we talked about.

Step 1 - XGenSEO™ will help you to automatically create hundreds of accounts on 100+ Top Social Media and web 2.0 websites - at a click of a button! This is done, with CAPTCHA resolved automatically! No manual intervention involved whatsoever……believe it or not!

Step 2 - XGenSEO™ verifies all those 100s of accounts created automatically! No opening of those 100s of emails and clicking on each one and laborious manual verification process anymore!

Step 3 - It helps you create your article or Blog posts. You can get targeted article ideas or blog post ideas using the money keywords quickly. You can then create articles and blog posts using the ideas for clients.

Step 4 - XGenSEO™’s will automatically spin your articles and blog posts into 10s of different versions! So it helps in minimising the duplicate content issues.

Step 5 - It automatically will submit tens of versions of your articles to dozens of high PR article directories! Some names include EzineArticles, Article Dashboard, Article Trader, Article Cube, Article Rich, Article Base, ArticleAlley, Amazines.

Step 6 - Then it will automatically submit different versions of your article/blog posts to all the top blog sites, Hubs & Wikis! Some names being Word Press, EasyJournal, BlogSpot, Zimbio, LiveJournal, WikiSpaces, Hubpages…

Step 7 - It will automatically post inks of your article/blogs to all major Micro Blogging & Social Networking sites such as Twitter, FriendFeed, LindedIn, and Facebook.

Step 8 - XGenSEO™ then automatically takes all the new postings and bookmarks them to major book-marking sites! Names include Delicious, Digg, Backflip, LinkAgogo, A1-webmarks, Diigo, Mixx, OYAX..

Step 9 - It then gathers all the RSS feeds from the social sites you submitted content to and submits all those feeds to RSS directories such as: Blo.gs, Feedbase.net, Feedboy, Feeds4all, Azfeeds… Automatically!

Step 10 - XGenSEO™ then automatically gathers all the links from the sites you posted content to and Pings them all using pinging sites such as: Blo.gs, Feedburner, Blogstree, Feedster!

You can run the above steps many times with a few clicks of buttons and this will explode back-links onto your business websites. This is simply traffic building on pure steroids! You would have not seen anything like this before… We did not before we created this nifty SEO Software!

XGenSEO™ Features:

Wizard Styled, easy to use, friendly interface - With wizard styled intuitive interface, XGenSEO™ makes quality link building a very easy task. A logical and setp-by-step process takes you from each step of the process. You do not have to be a seasoned SEO pro to get fantastic SEO results or targeted traffic anymore!

Automated Email Accounts Creator - Create new Yahoo email account at a click of button! No typing of CAPTA because the intelligence of XGenSEO™, it resolves it automatically! This tool helps you to create 100s of new email accounts at click of a few buttons. If you like to use your existing POP3 email accounts, they can be used too.

Automated Social Sites Account Creator - Heard of creating 100+ accounts in Top social sites in less then 20 minutes? Now you can do that with XGenSEO™! Simply select the sites you would like from 100+ options and click one button and you get that done. Yes it is as easy as that! XGenSEO™ will go to each of the social sites, it will create accounts on them. It will even resolve CAPTA on all those accounts automatically! Once all these accounts are created, it will go to your email account, open those 100s of emails and automatically verify each of the social media account from the links! No manual process involved here!

Automatic Captcha Resolve Tool - Create a new Yahoo email or Soical Media Site accounts at the click of a button! No completing of captcha field because the intelligence of XGenSEO™ resolves it automatically! This amazing tool helps you to create 100s of new accounts at the click of a few buttons. Yes, it is as easy as that!

XGenSEO™ will go to each of the Social Media Sites to create accounts and it will resolve captcha on all those accounts automatically! Once all these accounts are created, it will go to your email account, open all those 100s of emails and automatically verify each of the social media accounts from the links! No manual process involved here!

Automated Articles Submitter - At your one click of a button, this tool will automatically submit article versions to 100+ social sites! This tool automatically log you into each of the article sites, it will post your article, it will enter the Title, Keywords, Abstract of the Article as well as the Author information, will go to the next site and does exactly the same! You save massive amount of time and get hundreds of back-links to your website!

Automated Blog, Wikis & Hub Submitter - Just like the Article submitter, the Blog, Wikis and Hub Submitter acts fully automatically. Fully hands-free posting in top blog, Wiki and Hub sites such as EasyJournal, BlogSpot, WordPress, Zimbio, LiveJournal, WikiSpaces, Hubpages!

Automated Micro Blogging & Social Networking Sites submitter - Automatically submit different versions of your article/blog posts to all the top blog sites, Hubs & Wikis! Some names being Word Press, EasyJournal, BlogSpot, Zimbio, LiveJournal, WikiSpaces, Hubpages…

Automated Video Submitter - At the click of a button, this powerful tool will automatically submit your video to 100+ social video sites! This amazing tool automatically logs you into each of the social video sites, posts your video, enters the video title, keywords, abstract of the video and the author information. It will then go to the next site and repeat the process! You save massive amounts of time and get hundreds of quality back links to your website!

Automated Social Book-marker - This tool, automatically book-marks your submitted content into top-bookmarking sites such as Delicious, Digg, Backflip, LinkAgogo, A1-webmarks, Diigo, Mixx, OYAX. If you have done it manually, you will know how much time it takes!

Automated RSS Feeds Submitter - After submission of Articles this tool automatically gathers creates/gathers RSS feeds from each of the posted articles and automatically submits it to Top RSS marketing sites/directories.

Automated Power Ping - After the RSS Feeds are created, this tool automatically gathers all the links from the sites you posted content to and Pings them all using top pinging sites to ensure that back-links are created for those links to your website.

Article/Blog Creator - This tool will help you to easily create articles and blog posts. With its clean and easy interface, you can not only create articles, you can format them including bold and italics. You can also add hyperlinks to any of the text from your article. You can enter Article Title, keywords, Abstract as well as the Author information. All this information will be used automatically by XGenSEO™ ,when it submits article/blog posts to 100s of social sites at a click of a button from you.

Article/Blog Spinner - Search Engiens are getting stickier with their duplicate content rules. Not to worry with XGenSEO™! This tool will help you to create dozens and dozens of versions from your one article/blog post quickly and easily!

Power Keyword Builder - This feature allows you to quickly create or modify a keyword basket/database and so that you can use them for your article or blog post creation. Keyword Research can be one of the most time consuming and difficult parts of optimization. With XGenSEO™, all you have to do is to add in a master keyword and click the button. XGenSEO™ will generate hundreds of relevant keyword phrase for you. You can make easy selection from the list to identify your money keywords.

Competitor Analysis - The keyword builder tool is directly linked to Competition Analysis features. You can see which keywords has which Top Competitors. You can see their websites and see how they are using keywords. You can better select your keywords to create your article/blog posts, once you understand what your competitors are doing.

Article Research Tool - This tool will get you great articles from specially chosen sources, at your fingertips. All you do is enter your keywords for which you are looking for articles. This tool will get 10s of relevant articles and put them in front of you! For creating blog posts or articles, it is a real handy reference tool.

It is all about making it easier for you to create content quickly so that you can start generating tons of quality back-links for your website.

Powerful Reporting Suite - The powerful reporting suite helps you to analyse how your campaigns are going and how XGenSEO™ has helped you to promote your or your client websites. The key reports include Submission Analysis, Ranking Analysis, Traffic Analysis and Link Building Analysis.

XGenSEO™ Engine - Each time you open XGenSEO™, it automatically checks if there is an update available for XGenSEO™ engine. At the time of launch, XGenSEO™ will have 100+ social sites included.

Hundreds more will be added to the engine later on!

XGenSEO™ is the first all in one social media SEO marketing software solution available so why not download it today? FREE!

Posted by Admin @ Sep 10, 2010 57 comments

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