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Google Organic Marketing Secrets

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“Watch As I Show You Exactly How I Exposed A Simple AFFILIATE Site That Made up to $278,604 OVERNIGHT!”

After searching for alternative sources of traffic for purchasers of my previous WSO - I was shocked to see an affiliate site ranking #1 for a huge keyword, right on the night of a huge event.

I've never considered myself a "guru" like some internet marketers like to call themselves, but I knew if I kept researching then I'd be able to find out exactly what it was that allowed that site to rank in that position that day. After doing an absolute ton of further research and testing - I've now uncovered a strategy to get on the first page of Google for any keyword for a short period of time.

Whilst it's only for a short period of time - the formula can be used over and over again and the beauty of this is, your site is not at risk at all. This is nothing to do with link spamming or using unethical methods, it's also nothing to do with YouTube results, but I can guarantee after studying my course you will know how easy it is to get your site on that first page and maybe in to the #1 position like the affiliate site I uncovered did.

Posted by Admin @ Sep 20, 2010 8 comments

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